ISO 14001:2015 EMS

Get Easy & Fast ISO 14001:2015 Certification

ISO 14001 is the most important standard in the world that defines requirements for an operational environmental management system. It is a component family of standards covering a wide range of environmental management areas. As the only certifiable standard for environmental management systems, it is of high interest to many companies.


The standard ISO 14001: 2015 has existed since 1996 and was last revised in 2015. Companies, service providers and organizations around the world can now obtain ISO 14001:2015 certification. This contributes significantly to a positive image as an environmentally friendly company and is also required by many customers.


A company with ISO 14001 certification demonstrates its commitment to environmental protection and sustainability, both externally but also to its own employees.


JJK Consulting Inc. provides the best possible support to companies seeking ISO 14001 certification. From preparation and planning to the implementation of the environmental management system, our experts create the optimal conditions for your ISO 14001:2015 certification.

The Main Benefits of Implementing ISO 14001:2015

By introducing an environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14001: 2015, companies can also save resources and costs. With the help of professional environmental management consulting, you can drive operational environmental policies within valuable continuous improvement methods.


Today for every company the question about social responsibility and sustainability arises, with a clear view to a global context and future of the business. While corporate environmental protection used to be primarily about regulatory compliance, today’s professional environmental management is proactive and strategic.


With the internationally recognized ISO 14001:2015 environmental management system, companies proactively set a clear example for the environment and sustainability. Verifiable environmental protection is also a key success factor for the global competitiveness of a company today.


Another positive effects of the implementation of a standard-compliant environmental management system is the awareness of employees for environmental protection and employee motivation.


With an ISO 14001 certification, companies are paving the way for an image enhancement for employees, partners, and customers by demonstrating their sustainable commitment to the environment.

Get Support in Environmental Management and ISO 14001

Benefits of ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management

  • Environmental Protection
  •  Reduce environmental impact
  •  Environmentally friendly product design
  •  Identification of environmental risks
  •  Preventing negative environmental impacts

Benefits of ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management

  • Identification and elimination of sources of error
  •  Life cycle assessments for products and services
  •  Forward-looking environmental policy
  •  Sustainable improvement of environmental performance

Image Gain

  •  Internationally recognized standard
  •  Building trust with customers and suppliers
  •  Success factor in competition
  •  Motivation of the employees

Cost Reduction

  • Lower resource consumption
  •  Uncovering rationalization potential
  •  Environmentally friendly process improvement
  •  Calculability of liability risks

Perfect Implementation with the PDCA Cycle

Like most management system standards, ISO 14001 follows the so-called PDCA cycle. This cycle acts as a high level structure for a standardized environmental management system and describes an iterative, continuous improvement process in four phases:


  • Plan – The planning phase: The objectives of the company wide environmental policies are defined. In doing so, regional, national and legal obligations and requirements as well as company-specific requirements are taken into account. Based on this, measures will be developed for the sustainable, continuous improvement of environmental management.
  • Do – The phase of implementation: The environmental “protection” measures are implemented in the company and implemented in all processes and executed with standard operating procedures.
  • Check – The review phase: All factors affecting operational environmental management are monitored, measured and checked. The measures taken are analyzed regarding their effectiveness.
  • Act – The phase of improvement: Based on the results of the review phase, errors and optimization potential are identified and appropriate measures developed to improve them.

After that, the continuous improvement cycle begins again.